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Our Mission

Be a connector


Create a community of likeminded investors that supports future  leaders in building companies with real impact


Support future impact minded leaders in building companies that attract a community of motivated investors


IMPACT investment

To be Contrawaste is to prevent and eliminate unnecessary and/or wrong use of raw materials, packaging, money, time, energy, water, etc.

To have impact is to invest in people and companies that lead the way towards a cleaner, leaner and safer world.

Impact investment

Jesse Sels

And what is our plan?

Soon you can read the whole story…

I have abandoned the general idea of investing with impact because I can simply not see the forest for the trees. The polluted wave of greenwashing and mixed opinions based on incomplete data is drowning my good intentions. It’s back to basics.  I will invest in what I understand and where I can see, feel, measure and contribute to the real impact.

- Jesse Sels -

Founder, ContraWaste